Privacy and data protection
The Icelandic Directorate of Health is the data controller for all data collected in regards to your travels to Iceland. All data will be processed in accordance with the EU´s General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, which has been transposed into Icelandic law.
The registration form will be kept for 21 days in a database only accessible by a selected group of personnel working at border stations. All access to the data is strictly limited to what is necessary for the functioning of the border control measures.
If you choose to be tested for COVID-19 at the airport your sample will be taken at the airport and analysed by the National hospital of Iceland - Landspitali or contractors who the Landspitali have engaged to perform such analysis. The sample will only be identified by a sample number, no other personal data will be available for those performing the analysis. All negative samples will be destroyed after the analysis has been performed. Positive samples may be kept for further analysis to assess which measures will be taken in regards to individuals who test positive for COVID-19.
Negative test results will be communicated by a notification in the Rakning C-19 app or by a text message to the phone number you provided in the registration form if you do not wish to download the app. If you have provided an Icelandic social security number the results will be communicated through the website All negative test results will be stored for 14 days, after which they will be deleted. Anonymised test results will be used for statistical purposes.
Positive test results will be communicated by a phone call by health care professionals at the Landspitali or members of the contact tracing team of the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management. Further processing of personal data relating to infected individuals is regulated by Icelandic laws on health records and laws regarding patient rights.
If you choose 14 days quarantine information about where you quarantine will be kept for the duration of the quarantine period and accessible for members of Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management who are responsible for the enforcement of rules relating to quarantining.
Further information on data protection, your rights under the GPDR and contact information for data protection inquiries is available here:
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